De Rainha do Veganismo a Foragida
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De Rainha do Veganismo a Foragida (2022)


Uma famosa chef vegana perde o controle da própria vida depois de se casar com um homem misterioso que garante que pode imortalizar o cachorro dela.

Sarma Melngailis

Sarma Melngailis

Anthony Strangis

Anthony Strangis

Self / Shane Fox
Allen Salkin

Allen Salkin

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De Rainha do Veganismo a Foragida11

1 - Mr. & Mrs. Fox

A-list vegan chef Sarma Melngaillis falls for a mysterious charmer who sweeps her off her feet, promising to pay her debts. Is he too good to be true?

De Rainha do Veganismo a Foragida12

2 - Happily Ever After

Anthonys claims grow increasingly bizarre -- he even convinces Sarma he has magical powers. Over the course of two years, she wires him $1.7 million.

De Rainha do Veganismo a Foragida13

3 - No Angels in Hell

Anthony takes control of the restaurant. While he and Sarma travel around Europe, the employees stop getting paid -- and walk out.

De Rainha do Veganismo a Foragida14

4 - Everything Will Be Fine

Sarma and Anthony flee to Las Vegas, then hide out in the tourist town of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, where their past finally catches up with them.